Site mapping brings back memories.
A site mapping trip by helicopter from Weemol up into Mirradja Country in May brought back special memories for Senior Ranger and Mirradja elder Alfred Rickson and Peter Cooke, a project officer assisting Mimal Land Management with an “audit” of central Arnhem Land mapping data.
Hold onto your language.
Anita Painter is a teacher at Barunga School and loves her language of Dalabon.
She says she’s thrilled ‘A first Dictionary of Dalabon (Ngalkbon) dictionary has now become available for Dalabon people at Mimal Land Management’s Ranger base at Weemol.
Film crew chases hawk that hunts with fire.
In May 2018 a film crew from Northern Pictures, a Sydney-based production company, spent a week filming with rangers and elders to tell the Karrkanj story as one segment of a major series about wild Australia.
Sites work uncovers forgotten non-Aboriginal history at Mt Catt.
Senior rangers and elders at Weemol and Bulman have been busy with a project updating information about Sacred Sites in the Mimal Land Management area.
Community event of the year.
Mimal Land Management’s Independence celebrations has been recognised as a community event of the year.
The award is part of this year’s Australia Day Awards, where citizens and events from nine remote Top End communities were acknowledged for their outstanding community contributions.
Mimal members elect new board.
When Mimal rangers are doing fire management work or fighting bushfires, sometimes they spot a special bird we call Karrkanj. Some family have seen this bird pick up a burning stick and drop it to a new place to create more fire.
Burning interest in our fire starting bird.
Members of Mimal Land Management have elected nine directors to manage the corporation for the next two years.
A celebration of Mimal Rangers’ Independence.
Wednesday October 25 marks a new era for Indigenous landowners and managers as Mimal Land Management Aboriginal Corporation celebrates its independence.
Healthy Country Plan.
Following many meetings between Indigeonus landowners, members and rangers, Mimal Land Management has developed a 10-year plan for healthy country and healthy people in central Arnhem Land.
Big wet sees longer time for burning.
One of the Top End’s largest wet seasons on record posed extra challenges for this year’s early season burning.
The annual planning meeting was this year hosted by Mimal at Barrapunta and involved about 100 people from across Arnhem Land.
Spreading our wings with birds.
A workshop to share knowledge and stories about birds saw Indigenous rangers from across Arnhem Land come together with scientists at Barrapunta.
Gamba: A weed that’s killing country.
First introduced as stock feed several decades ago, Gamba grass is a damaging weed that has invaded large parts of the Northern Territory – and it’s threatening our country.
New hope springs forth at Gulin Gulin.
The small central Arnhem Land community of Bulman is nestled at the foot of a tall rocky hill put there by Mibbar, the wedge-tailed eagle ancestral being in the creation times.
Elders revive Dow ceremony.
Dow hasn’t been performed for about 40 years but three men who experienced Dow as children have resurrected this spectacular performance.
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