Berrhno & Mininyburr (Woodland & Forest)
We have different kinds of woodland, the tall forests and the dry low woodland each have their own special plants and animals that need us to keep this country healthy if they are to survive and to breed.
Water runs through our woodland country but it isn’t flooded every year like the land along our rivers and creeks. In some places there is very little water in the dry season. When the right trees are flowering, sugarbag are filling up their nests. When the right grasses are there, kangaroos are getting fat, emus and people are finding the right fruits. Our woodlands are free of grassy weeds like gamba grass – but we need to be careful to make sure it does not come to our country.
Our strongest tool to manage our forest and woodland country is fire. If we burn country in the right way, with plenty of early burning to stop late season wildfire, we will keep this country healthy.
GOAL: By 2027 continued good fire management, effective weed control and implementation of changed herd management focused on buffalo, horses, donkeys and cattle will see good health maintained.